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Business Overview


Team Tax and Accounting is a registered accounting and taxation company based in Asherville. Our management consulting services includes client accounting, estate planning, Wills & Trusts, payroll processing, tax advisory and bookkeeping services. We are accredited with the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. Our bookkeeping services provide various pastel services such as training, installations and on-site support. Due to our range of pastel services, we are able to offer substantial discounts on pastel products. Team Tax and Accounting provides you with professional knowledge, skills and expertise. Our management services are offered to close corporations, sole proprietors, partnership and companies.  This accounting and taxation company has a registered SARS Tax Practitioners who is able to provide expert advice. We strive to build customers relationships and provide excellent financial advice. 

Business Hours

8.00 to 16.30
8.00 to 16.30
8.00 to 16.30
8.00 to 16.30
8.00 to 16.30

The Do’s and Dont’s of Accounting

When it comes to bookkeeping, simple works better. Don’t get bogged down with complex accounting packages when there are simple solutions available for you. Please consider using the materials that come with this guide, a simplified bookkeeping system to accomplish your necessary bookkeeping tasks. Getting started with accounting can be daunting for small businesses. That's why we've asked some of our smartest partners to share their do's and don'ts with you. Their tips can help you approach your books with confidence.

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© A C Braby (Pty) Ltd. South Africa 2025